Thursday, June 17, 2010

i seem to have hit a wall... theres so many proper venus and routes i have to go through to get this little bugger on the road! first, theres the financial aspect... i have to register the car and last i checked, my dad said he owed $304 when he tried to file a non-op on it, but who knows what its at now especially since i need to file it as operational. okay, so if i register the bug, do i need insurance BEFORE i register it? if so, im paying insurance for 2 cars??? crazy. then once i register it, i found a shop in lakeside that carries my engine, refurbished, for $600 with a 6 month warranty or $1070 installed with a 12 month warranty... if i sell my chevy(which i need to do but its difficult without having a car) i can pay for the engine and all repairs needed to get the bug running. problem is how to sell my car and turn around and fix the bug and have it able to drive that day... seeing as i wont have a vehicle.... ugh....